Embracing Fear: The Path to Calming Chronic Symptoms

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

When we experience chronic symptoms, it can be intense and overwhelming. And our fear of these symptoms — which is totally human and understandable — adds to the intensity, making it difficult to find relief.

If you’ve been learning about the mind-body connection for a while, you know that fear and emotional stress are often at the very root of what’s fueling symptoms. And while this knowledge can be helpful, it can also trigger feelings of pressure to get rid of fear. And there’s nothing like some good ole pressure to ramp up stress levels — what a lovely little vicious cycle we can find ourselves in!

So, I want to invite you to explore a compassionate approach to calming chronic symptoms by embracing our fears rather than trying to make them disappear. By acknowledging and understanding our fears, we can cultivate a sense of compassion that allows us to navigate the healing journey with greater ease.

Recognizing Fear as a Natural Response

Fear is a natural and instinctive response to the unknown and the uncertain. When faced with chronic symptoms, it’s only natural to feel afraid. Instead of denying or suppressing this fear, we can begin by acknowledging it as a valid emotion. By accepting its presence, we create space for understanding and healing.

Cultivating Understanding

To calm our fear, it can be helpful to understand its origins and underlying causes. Fear of chronic symptoms often stems from a place of vulnerability and uncertainty about the future. By exploring the roots of our fear, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our experiences. This understanding helps us to dismantle the power that fear holds over us.

There are many ways to approach fear with curiosity. My personal favorite is through journaling, and if you’re curious to learn more, I’ve got a course that walks you through this process called Writing to Release Chronic Pain.

Compassion is Key

Rather than trying to forcefully make fear disappear, we can approach it with compassion. Imagine fear as a child who’s scared of the dark, seeking comfort and reassurance. If you were putting this child to bed, would you say something like, “you better stop being afraid of the dark right now so that we can all go to sleep!”
 Hopefully not, because this would only trigger more anxiety and more fear. But if you were to calmly sit down next to the child with warmth and compassion and say something like, “I was afraid of the dark too, when I was your age — I totally get it…” the child might start to gradually feel just a little bit safer in the presence of your acknowledgement and acceptance.

By metaphorically putting a loving and comforting arm around fear’s shoulder, we create a safe space for it to be heard and acknowledged. Through self-compassion, we can extend this same loving support to ourselves, providing solace during difficult moments.

If you’re wondering how to put this into practice, you might start by trying out this self-compassion journaling practice!

Embracing the Healing Journey

The path to calming chronic symptoms is not about making fear instantly disappear; it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. By embracing this journey, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and insights. Every step taken with courage and self-compassion brings us closer to healing and softens our fear.

Honoring Progress and Celebrating Resilience

Throughout our healing journey, it’s important to honor our progress and acknowledge our resilience! Every small step forward, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is a testament to our courage and aliveness. By celebrating our resilience, we cultivate an empowered mindset that helps calm our fear and encourages us to continue moving forward.

Calming chronic symptoms requires a shift in our approach to fear. Rather than trying to eradicate it, we can choose to embrace fear with understanding and compassion. By acknowledging fear as a natural response and extending kindness to ourselves, we create a nurturing environment for healing to unfold.

And remember, the healing process is not a straight line! But by embracing our fears and taking one step forward at a time, we can gradually find self-compassion, confidence and a path to calming chronic symptoms.

➡️ If you need support with chronic pain and anxiety, take my FREE QUIZ called “Why the *bleep* am I still in pain?!” so I can help you get some clarity.

And follow me on Instagram for healing tips, inspiration and encouragement.

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